Art and nature are holistic and thus have the power to accompany us back to our origins in order to be able to shape life consciously, peacefully and whole in a unity despite diversity. (Angela Olbrich)
title. Let it be, We reap..., ...what we sow, Purpl(e)ink I-III, Let eternity be the end, On the tireless search for the human in the human, EGO-GO, Essence of water, Essence of water (picture poem), 47, Net of origin, Blue_print II, Standstill of time, Blue-print I, Compression, Back to the roots..., OUT is IN_IN is OUT, BREAK_THROUGH, Cell without Intention, My grounding, Maya creates blue and other experiments, Installation A(N)T(H)EM, Florsinha - little flower, Sun_d_dorn, heartpain (picture poem)
date. 2021/22/23/24
city. Vienna
type. self-made plant colors, mixed media, photography, poetry
naturalcolors (self-made seabuck, self grown reseda pigment, irongallus ink) mixed media on old pleasant, handmade linen, 80x80cm
self-made naturalcolors, mixed media on old pleasant, handmade linen, 147x200cm
"sea buckthorn" 100x100, home-made natural material, mixed media on upcycled linen
naturalcolors (self-made seabuck, self grown reseda pigment, irongallus ink) mixed media on old pleasant, handmade linen, 80x80cm