Art and nature are holistic and thus have the power to accompany us back to our origins in order to be able to shape life consciously, peacefully and whole in a unity despite diversity. (Angela Olbrich)
Incense in the Celtic annual cycle _Samhain und Jul
Wed, Nov 08
Samhain is the Celtic New Year festival, which coincides with All Saints Day in our culture and the festival of the dead. At this time, ancestors and the deceased are remembered. It is a time of withdrawal and introspection, of letting go and transforming.

Time & Location
Nov 08, 2023, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Wien, Währinger Str. 120, 1180 Wien, Austria
About the event
Samhain – New Moon - Festival of Darkness and
Jul - winter solstice
On this last date of the year with Mag. Angela Olbrich kunstpflege.at for incense in the Celtic annual circle, we will deal with two threshold festivals: Samhain, All Saints' Day, the new moon darkness festival and the winter solstice following December 21st special incense plants used during these festivals.
Samhain is the Celtic New Year festival, which coincides with All Saints Day in our culture and the festival of the dead. At this time, ancestors and the deceased are remembered. It is a time of withdrawal and introspection, of letting go and transforming. This also applies to the following winter solstice, with the longest night and the shortest day, when the birth of light is celebrated again and the turning point between darkness and light.
We will find peace together and find one or two personal herbal mixtures that suit the dark time of the year. We will ritually let go of something from the old year, prepare our 13 wishes for the next 12 rough nights and enjoy tea and cookies together. Handout included. This workshop is suitable for both newbies and those with some experience.
Date: Tuesday, November 8th, 2023
Location: Sonnentor, Währinger Strasse 120, 1180 Vienna
Time: 6:30 p.m
Duration approx. 1.5 hours.
Energy compensation: 30 euros
up to 3 days before the event